In an article dated June 17, 2019*, Emma Koehn writes in the Sydney Morning Herald about the increasing prevalence of scams that take advantage of community confusion regarding NBN.
The article says that losses so far this year have exceeded $500,000, averaging more than $110,000 a month in the first half of the year.
NBN Co Chief Security Officer Darren Kane said NBN Co is a wholesaler and will never call ordering a consumer to give access to their computers.
The article goes on to quote ACCC chair Delia Rickard advising consumers to “Do a Google search or check the phone book to get your service provider’s number, don’t use contact details provided by the salesperson”.
Meanwhile, spammers are continuing attempts to obtain email account details via “phishing” (scam) emails. This enables them to spread spam via legitimate, trusted email accounts. DCSI customers have been specifically targeted by some of these scammers, with emails being sent to email addresses purporting to be from us and attempting to trick customers into following a link to a non-DCSI website where they are asked to enter their email login details.
The only link you should ever use to review or update your Swoop account details is through ‘My Swoop’ at
If you ever receive an email telling you that Swoop will close down your email or service, or that you’re required to log in to make changes, please do not click the link. Please call us on 1300 66 55 75 to ask if it is genuine, or use the customer portal to check the validity of the claim.
It’s your responsibility to protect your account details and not disclose them to unauthorised third parties. We are here to assist if you need advice or assistance in determining the validity of an email.
You should also review your account password and ensure it is strong and sufficiently complex that it can’t be easily guessed. If you update your password via our portal, you will be required to choose a password that is at least 8 characters long and contains a mixture of letters, numbers and symbols.